Film Photography

New year, new outlook...blah blah blah

The construct of time and the rolling over of the calendar makes us do crazy and reflective things. Silly humans.

I’ve been doing this for awhile with no clear focus. Just shooting what I know. I start many a project or at least write many down to be forgotten in one of the many Moleskine notebooks I own (I may have a slight problem on that front) . But I push on. I keep telling myself I’ll revisit some of those ideas and make some happen. My thought process is that I wasn’t ready or at a certain skill level at that time to accomplish said thing. Maybe, maybe not. 

More needs to be done, though. Journey down a path with a set of parameters for a bit and see how that goes. 

This image of Maren fits the contemplation narrative. Looking to the horizon for change or just chilling in your favorite chair thinking about what you want to eat. Maybe both. 


Maren. 2019 Hasselblad 500CM Kodak Tri-X

Maren. 2019 Hasselblad 500CM Kodak Tri-X

Pre exposed Neon Alycia

I follow Chase Hart on Instagram (@myfridayfilms) and the one thing that turned me onto his work was the fact he was using pre exposed film. I’m down for a good double exposure or two so I ordered a roll he pre exposed with neon lights on Kodak Gold 200. I’m pretty happy with the results. I metered at 160 and had the lab process as normal. I foresee another purchase soon.

Chase Hart

Instagram  @myfridayfilms

Twitter @fridayfilms13



Kat on Delta 3200

I have a love/hate relationship with high speed film. I’m talking to you Ilford Delta 3200 and Kodak P3200. While I enjoy the grain nailing the right exposure for it has always been an issue for me. Always been 50/50.  Well, more like 1 in 3...either too light, too dark or just right. This was one of the just right ones. There are times I feel I am better off pushing HP5 and developing in Rodinal. At least I get better contrast. 

Kat. Ilford Delta 3200. Pentax 67

Kat. Ilford Delta 3200. Pentax 67